Dear Fifth Grade PREP families,
Greetings! April 26 is our final lesson for the 2019-2020 PREP year. I wish we were together, in person, to pray, share and to thank God for our PREP year. The children are such a blessing to me and to the parish. I've enjoyed assisting you in passing on our faith. I hope we will all be together soon at Mass to give thanks.
This year we have worked together to learn about the Seven Sacraments. As the children have read the Scriptures and learned about Church teachings, I hope they have come to know more about God’s great love for us.
God calIs each person to a special vocation. There are many ways to serve God and each person’s path in life is unique. I ask the children to quiet themselves and pray for guidance in finding their vocation so they can be lights in this world.
To wrap up our study of the Seven Sacraments, we will focus on chapters 17 and 18 and study the last two sacraments.
Chapter 17: Jesus Establishes His Church (study pages 195-202).
Parent video on how we can utilize the Seven Sacraments to bring more grace into our families’ lives: “The Sacraments” (19:46 minutes) on Search: The Sacraments
I hope the children continue to pray, particularly the Rosary, and develop a closer relationship with God. It’s pure joy to see your children’s faces every Sunday and we miss it. If I can be of assistance, please reach out to me at [email protected]
A final Blessing: “May the Lord bless and keep you. May He show His face to you and be merciful to you. May He turn His countenance to you and give you peace.”
Blessings to your family, Mary Ann Beiting
Easter Blessings to the 5th Grade PREP families. Peace be with you!
Updates: For those that were unable to attend class on March 8th, we completed Chapter 14 on the Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick (pg. 163- 170). We reviewed the four major parts of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Contrition, Confession, Penance, and Absolution) and learned about the special graces one receives in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. We focused on God's love, forgiveness and healing. The children also finished the covers of their Saint booklets and brought those home to read and keep. If your child was unable to come, I will give them their Saint booklet in the Fall or mail it to them! They did a wonderful job!
April 5th was Mass to Mission Sunday. If you haven’t already, please review pages 26-40 in the booklet with your child on the Liturgy of Eucharist. Refer to the green boxes on page 34 and 35 and respond to the questions with your child.
Eucharist is an Act of Gratitude. Have your child write a “gratitude list.” “I am grateful for . . . “
For April 19th we will focus on Chapter 15: Living God’s Commandments (pg 173-180). Have your child imagine a soccer game without rules, no referees, whistles or goal lines. To be safe and happy, we need rules and boundaries! But God doesn’t force anything on us. He invites us the freedom to make our own choices. To help us make the right choices, he gives us the Ten Commandments because he loves us and wants us to be good and holy. God also gives us a conscience to help us know what is right and wrong based on the Commandments. Forming a good conscience helps us say no to sin. What are some ways we can form a good conscience? (i.e. following Church teachings, reading the Bible, obeying parents.)
Have your child study pages 173 -180 and work on the activities and Chapter Review. The Ten Commandments are God’s law and show us how to live as his children. You can learn more about living the Ten Commandments on page 272 in the back of the book. The first three Commandments have to do with our relationship with God and the next seven with others.
Faith Words to review (pg. 175): conscience, mortal sin and venial sin.
Can a sinner become a saint? Read the conversion story of Saint Augustine, one of the most well-known saints of the Church (pgs 176-177) with your child.
The children really love in class: > Grade Organizers (top banner)> Grade 5 Organizer> Chapter 15 > Chapter 15 Quiz to test their knowledge. We make it a game in class and they cheer each other on for the correct answer!
Optional: Extend the lesson on Moses. Watch the video: Moses: Signs, Sacraments & Salvation (1 hr 34 m) on Click here for directions on how to access FORMED. About 50 min in re: Mount Sinai.
I miss seeing all the smiling faces on Sunday! My prayers continue for your families and our nation. Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions.
May God Bless and protect you! Ms. Beiting
God's Blessing's to your family on Palm Sunday and during Holy Week. I hope this finds you and your family well. Please know your family is my daily prayers. I hope the children continue to pray the Rosary at home as we have been doing in class. The children loved taking turns and leading the class in prayer. Most prayer books also have the Stations of the Cross to pray during Holy Week too as a family. Take Care,
Ms. Beiting