God’s Words of Wonder: Program is currently suspended due to Covid.
This preschool enrichment program meets two times a month on Fridays. Using Bible stories, music, prayer, play and discovery model of the Montessori approach, God's Words of Wonder seeks to instill a love for God's Word and a desire to know more about Him. Click for more information on God's Words of Wonder or please contact Micki Harrell at 513-792-4613 or [email protected].
Sunday Pre-School: Program is currently suspended due to Covid.
Sunday Pre-School lays the foundation for growth of the child’s relationship with God. The program is open to all parish children ages 3 through Kindergarten. Classes meet during the 11:00 a.m. Mass, typically from September through April. Click for more information on Sunday Preschool or please contact Micki Harrell, 513-792-4613 or [email protected].
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW): Program is currently suspended due to Covid.
This ministry is for children in grades K through 2, attending the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses. The children gather in church with their families. After the opening prayer, they are sent forth with their adult leaders to a room in the Parish Center where they focus on the day’s readings. After the Universal Prayer, they return to Mass and continue to worship with their families. If you are interested in helping with this ministry or want more information, please contact Micki Harrell, 513-792-4613 or [email protected].
P.R.E.P./F.L.O.C.K. (Parish Religious Education Program/Families Leading Our Catholic Kids):
PREP is the religious education program for students in non-Catholic schools, grades 1-8. FLOCK is the online version of this program. Click for more information on FLOCK. PREP typically meets from 9:15 a.m.-10:45 a.m., beginning in August and ending in May. A Summer PREP Program is also available, typically held in the mornings for a two-week period during the month of June. However, Summer PREP is cancelled for 2021. We also offer a home-school option. To register or for more information, please contact Micki Harrell at 513-792-4613 or [email protected].
Vacation Bible School (VBS): VBS is cancelled for Summer 2021.
This is a week-long, summer, Bible-study program, typically held in June. It is a fun week of discovering Jesus’ miraculous power through learning, crafts and music. High school volunteers are always welcome. Click for more information on VBS or please contact Micki Harrell at 513-792-4613 or [email protected].
Youth Ministry:
Provides opportunities for junior high and high school students from any school to come together as a parish community with various events and special programs focusing on unique Catholic spiritual, service and social opportunities. Youth Ministry’s purpose is to draw our youth to responsible participation in the life and work of the Catholic faith community and to foster personal and spiritual growth. Youth Ministry typically meets on Sunday evenings. Click for more information on Youth Ministry or please contact Jeff Rosfeld at 513-314-1147 or [email protected].
High Schoolers of the Well (HOW):
For High School students, meeting on Monday evenings for faith sharing and discussion in a religious setting. Click for more information on HOW or please contact Jeff Rosfeld at 513-314-1147 or [email protected].
Men’s Fellowship Prayer Group:
This group for adult men, meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday mornings of the month. A time for prayer and fellowship and Bible sharing. Please contact Kent Linnemann at 513-793-7519 or [email protected] for additional information.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
RCIA is the process by which interested persons gradually become members of the Roman Catholic Church. Click for more information on RCIA or please contact Brian Caperton, Pastoral Associate, at 513-686-1124 or [email protected] or the parish office at 513-792-4600, or [email protected].
Women of the Well (WOW):
WOW is a scripture study group for adult women, typically meeting on Friday mornings from September through April in the Parish Center. Please contact JoAnn Metzger at 513-314-2824, [email protected] or Donna Broderick at 513-505-6752, [email protected].