As Catholics, we have the ability to experience our Lord through special moments of grace that find their roots within the life of Christ. These beautiful moments are what we call sacraments, distinct moments with particular words and actions that, together, bring about a connection to the divine reality as an outward sign instituted by Christ himself to give the graces needed in our daily lives. Each sacrament has a different focus on our lives, or orients our lives in a particular way to living out the vocation that we are each called to.
As Christians, our sacramental and spiritual lives begin through the reception of Baptism, completed and brought to a new level in Confirmation, and sustained throughout our life through the reception of the Holy Eucharist. For the times that we fall short, or find our conscience burdened, the Lord invites us to confess our failings to Him through the sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation. As we come to recognize the Lord's work within our lives, we begin to see where the Lord is calling us and how He means for us to live out our lives, for some that will mean discerning the call to Holy Matrimony, giving of ourselves to a particular person as Christ gave himself for all of us, and for others it will mean responding to an invitation by the Lord to lay down their lives in service and sanctify the world through ministry as a Priest or Deacon in the sacrament of Holy Orders. In the moments of great illness or when death approaches, we have the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, which gives a spiritual healing to our souls and weary bodies, helping us to come to a greater sense of peace and prepare for the life to come.
If you are interested in knowing more about the various sacraments as they are celebrated here at All Saints, please click the links below or contact the parish office.
Daily: 6:15am (prior to Daily Mass)
First Saturday of the Month: 2:00pm