If in one village we had 100 people representing the 7 billion people God created who are currently alive, of the people in the “Village of 100” there would be:
-50 males & 50 females
-26 children & 74 adults (8 of which would be 65 years or older)
-60 Asians, 15 Africans, 14 from the Americas, 11 Europeans
-33 Christians, 22 Muslims, 14 Hindus, 7 Buddhists,
-12 people who practice some other religion, and 12 people who are not aligned to a religion
-83 who can read & write; 17 who cannot
-7 with a college degree
-22 who own a computer
-23 who do not have a place to shelter from the wind and rain
-1 dying from starvation, 15 undernourished, 21 overweight
-13 without clean drinking water
-75 non white -5 in control of 32% of all the wealth
-48 living on less than $2 per day; 20 on less than $1